When it comes to packing up all of your stuff for that trip into your new digs, it rarely if never goes smoothly. Moving has always been one of those necessary evils in life that strike us as overly easy at first, only to be riddled with hidden obstacles and unforeseen pitfalls along the way. And it is not like hiring movers takes care of all those worries. Once I hired long distance movers for a big job related move I was making across the country. I figured that since I did not have a care at the time, and since I was moving to a major metropolitan area where I would not need my own transportation, that hiring a professional moving company would be the way to go. And it was the way to go, if I had initially wanted my stuff to show up almost a week late and half broken. Now that is only one experience amongst the surely thousands of moves that go more smoothly, but what I am getting at is how there always seems to be something going wrong while doing a move.
Lately I have been finding myself doing a lot of moving back and forth between two specific locations on each coast (I do not feel comfortable giving out which cities over the internet). As such I have ended up accumulating stuff and things at both locations that I have come to enjoy, and do not necessarily want to get rid of when I hop back to the other coast. That is why I make use of moving pods while I am gone. Pods are great little storage containers that you can keep all your belongings stored in while you are away. Pods come in a couple of different sizes and are entirely sealed off from the elements. It is by far cheaper than renting two apartments (though if I get the big bonus I am hoping for, then I can finally make that dream come true). For now I rely on pods to store all the things I do not want to get rid of. It makes moving back easier as my stuff is already there, and I save a lot of money on storage. I would definitely recommend pods to anyone who needs some storage space.