Your lawn is often a haven for you and your family, a place to relax and socialize. Keeping that lawn properly maintained and looking good is not just about the aesthetics of your home, it can impact on the health and safety of your family and increase the value of your house. In fact, landscaping is seen a s a top five home improvement investment by as much as 97% of real estate agents; most say you can expect a return on investment of as much as 215%.
Property value can be raised as much as 12% and resale value by 14$ just by landscaping. A 150% ROI can be gad for an investment of just 5% of the value of your home. The benefits of properly maintaining and landscaping your lawn are not just monetary, however. Doing so reduces the risk of flooding, traps dirt and dust particles, offers noise protection, reduces air temperatures around the house by trapping the sun’s rays and offers a safe place to play. For those with children and pets, pet friendly lawncare is vital. Pet friendly lawncare includes pestle fertilizer which is often granular rather than powdered and offers a lower risk to animals and children.
Organic lawn care offers chemical free alternatives to traditional lawn care products such as fertilizer and herbicides. It is also an approach that supports certain landscaping techniques to ensure a beautifully finished lawn without the need for invasive or harmful use of tools. This safer lawn care approach has significant benefits not only for children and pets, but also for the environment, cutting down on pesticides and other chemicals. Given that ten times as much pesticides are used on lawns in the U.S each year than on farm land — that’s almost 70 million pounds of pesticides (including herbicides) — limiting pesticide use or eradicated it completely seems like a sensible idea. Pesticides kill as many as 60 to 70 million birds every year in America. Organic family friendly lawncare offers option that can address these concerns.
Enjoying the great outdoors in your own backyard is one of the great joys of family life and a properly maintained organic lawn need not take up all your time or cost thousands of dollars. Safer options make sense both for you and the environment.