When you have a break-in at your home or commercial business, it can be a very stressful time. In addition to filing police reports and taking inventory of what was stolen, you’ll also need to take care of any damages that occurred as a result of the break-in.
The FBI reports that 1.9 million burglaries occurred during 2013 in the United States. The approximate property loss for this year alone was $4.5 billion. In addition to the value of the items stolen, this may also include the cost of other damages, including home repairs.
During 2013, it was determined that 74% of all burglaries occurred at residential properties. The remaining 26% likely occurred at commercial properties or under other circumstances. Forced entry was the primary method for 59% of all of these burglaries.
On an annual basis, there are roughly two million home burglaries reported in the United States. Estimates indicate that these occur every 13 seconds. It has been found that renters tend to experience break-ins more often than homeowners. Recent statistics show that these individuals are 85% more likely to experience a break-in.
Roughly 63% of home burglaries occur during the day. It is important to note that In 34% of these cases, the burglars have entered through the home’s front door. Approximately ten percent of home burglaries occur due to an improperly installed deadbolt, which makes it easier for thieves to break and enter. In cases such as these, the importance of having a professional locksmith install a new deadbolt cannot be stressed enough.
A recent survey showed that people spend around ten minutes a day looking for keys and other lost items. As a result, many people decide to hide an extra set of keys somewhere outside their home or apartment. When hiding extra keys outside, it’s important to move them often and make sure no one is watching. This is because burglars may be able to locate these keys, particularly when they’re located in an obvious hiding place.
When break-ins have occurred, It’s important to contact a professional locksmith for both residential and commercial door locks. When there has been extensive or even minimal damage to your doors, you’ll also want have a professional installing a door rather than doing it yourself.
If you haven’t experienced a recent burglary at your home or business, have you noticed whether your residential or commercial door locks are functioning properly? Is it possible that you need a residential or commercial replacement door? One of the most important steps you can take to avoid a potential break-in is to have a professional locksmith and contractor replace these as soon as possible.
When you have just moved into a new business location, it’s also a good idea to have a professional locksmith evaluate the condition of the existing locks and doors. In addition to having new commercial door locks installed, you will also be able to have keys duplicated for commercial locks so that you, your landlord, and key personnel are able to have access to the business.