It might be the wrong time of the year for many Americans to think about swimming, but there are several places in the country where pool cleaning services are an important part of their property maintenance, even in the late fall and early winter. If you are a home or property owner with a pool, you know the importance of making sure that this space is both clean and well maintained. Pool repair and maintenance, in fact, is an important part of making sure that this investment lasts a long time and provides your family or renters with years of entertainment.
In the parts of the country where winters are harsh, it is especially important that pool owners make sure that they schedule appointments with a local pool cleaning service to open the pool at the beginning of summer and close the pool at the beginning of fall. And while the dates for these openings and closings may vary depending on where you live, the need for these services does not.
Swimming Pool Cleaning and Service Companies Help Property Owners Make the Most of Their Investment
Swimming is the most popular recreational activity for children and teens between the ages of 7 and 17 in the U.S., so it should come as no surprise that there are many families who install their own pools in their backyard. For the purposes of exercise or to help encourage your teenage sons and daughters to hang at your house, a backyard pool can be a real draw for many people. The fact that an hour of vigorous swimming will burn up to 650 calories means that a backyard pool allows everyone in the family to get a real workout any time that they want. The fact that so many teens like to swim or tan be a pool means that instead of wondering where your kids are, you can see them in your backyard.
Consider some of these facts and figures about the swimming pool industry and the impact that it has on the nation’s economy:
- 6 is the average number of times that an American swims in a pool every year.
- Pools should be skimmed at least twice a week to make sure that they stay clean.
- Swimming is the 4th most popular recreational activity for people of all ages in America.
- 85% of pools use chlorine to make sure that the water stays sanitized.
- Installing a four-sided isolation fencing, at least five feet high is the best way to make sure that a pool has maximum pool safety precautions in place. This fence should also be equipped with self-closing and self-latching gates that completely surround the pool and prevents direct access from the house and yard.
- Check pool chemistry one to two times a week during the summer and once every one to two weeks in the winter.
The temperatures may be dropping in many parts of the country, but that does not mean that home owners with pools do not already know that opening day that they have scheduled for next spring. Are you ready? Do you have your opening appointment on the calendar with your local pool cleaning service?