One of the most difficult parts of owning your own home can be taking care of plumbing problems. Every house has these issues and at least once in your home owning experience you will have to address them. Clogged drains can be a pain in the rare; no one expects these drains or toilets to give us such issues. What happens when these issues arise and what can you do in order to fix them before your basement is flooded with feces? Here are a couple of suggestions on how to maintain your plumbing repairs and keep on top of plumbing service before you have a while mess on your hands that you don’t want to have to worry about.
Clogged drains can be a hassle. Many households find more hair being stuck in their drains than they thought a person could shed in their entire lifetimes. Not to mention, there are many homes that decide that the sink is a great place for grease disposal. Grease can actually cause about 47% of sewer overflow that occurs in households in the United States. These drains should be cleaned out regularly and what is put down these drains needs to be carefully maintained in order to assure that they aren’t being overloaded or backed up with matters that shouldn’t go down a drain to begin with. Being that this is one of the largest areas of drain clogging, carefully taking care of any sinks that may endure a heavy flow of hair or grease should always be a priority.
Indoor plumbing may date back to 2500 BC but it doesn’t mean that having a handle on it is something that we have ever quite mastered. Although there are now 27 million low flush toilets in the United States, we still have a problem with overuse and things being flushed that perhaps should not go down a toilet. Keep in mind what you are flushing before you do so. These can prevent some of the biggest plumbing issues from arising.
Septic tanks are no different and can even cause more difficulty if they are not maintained regularly. There are many different aspects that influence septic upkeep, those being: household size, the size of your tank, wastewater generated, and finally the solids that are in the waste. Even if you have a septic system your system should be checked at least every three years a septic tank pump out can prevent other septic issues from happening within your home. No one wants to deal with the sewage that is supposed to stay outside of your house coming inside and taking control over your home. That leads to more than just a mess that no one wants to deal with, it is dangerous to your heal as well. Be sure that there is a septic tank cleaning every three to five years in order to keep your plumbing under control.
If you don’t want your plumber to become your weekly call, when using your drains and toilets be mindful of what you are flushing down them. Never put anything down the toilet or drain that should not be, and if you have street sewers be sure that they are cleared for any roots that may find their way inside every couple of years. These are the recipes that could make all the difference with your home and your plumbing issues. A home without plumbing issues seems to be a very happy house in itself. No one wants to have to breathe in the smell of leaking sewage into his or her home. Protect your lungs first.