Radon gas testing service is an essential step in any home maintenance and should be included with a standard home inspection.
Testing for radon is a simple and straightforward process that can be done in any home and performed by any qualified inspector. Local radon inspection and testing can be completed in as little as a few minutes. Still, the protection that radon mitigation and abatement provide to your family is priceless.
For every 15 homes in the U.S., on average, one of them is estimated to have high radon levels that are at or above the EPA action level. That’s why you really need to have a radon gas testing service done as soon as possible by a local radon mitigation and abatement company.
Radon – What It Truly Is
Radon is an invisible radioactive gas seeping into houses, creating an odorless, colorless, and tasteless gas. This type of harmful gas is produced when uranium breaks down in the soil and groundwater. As the gas rises through the soil and other materials, it comes in contact with air, which turns it into a solid particle.
Radon can be released into the air in homes and buildings. When this deadly gas enters your home, it can pose a serious health risk not just to you but to your family as well.
Though radon gases can enter any home, it’s not harmful until it reaches the danger level. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) strongly suggests taking action to reduce radon in homes that have a radon level of over 4 picocuries per liter (pCi/L) of air. A radon mitigation and abatement company can test if your home is has high levels of radon.
Risks of Exposure to Radon Gas?
The deadly radon gas is the culprit that causes around 20,000 lung cancer cases every year. Due to this, it is one of the top causes of this disease in the United States today.
Radon exposure is very real. It can lead to many health problems and complications and is significantly higher than most people think. Radon gas has been linked to many different types of illnesses.
Authorities have done several studies on the effects of radon exposure on human health, and the results are conclusive. In fact, the number of cancer deaths caused by radon is staggering. They have found that there is a significant link between radon exposure and cancer.
The dangers of continuous and extreme radon exposure can be increased when a person has smoking habits. Another factor in the increased risk is the burning of coal, wood, or other gas-emitting substances inside the house.
If you have a smoking habit or enjoy spending evenings in front of the fireplace, you have more reason to get avail of radon mitigation and abatement services test for your home.
Testing Methods for Radon
While our senses cannot detect radon gas, we can easily locate possible entryways. Furthermore, there are types of equipment that can detect them, helping every homeowner understand if radon levels in their home on a dangerous level.
Radon levels can be detected in homes by various methods. One method is to purchase a do-it-yourself test kit, which can be found at your local hardware store. These short-term radon tests provide you with an idea of the amount of radon in your home and are often used in real estate transactions.
Experts can come to your house and test for radon gas. They’ll go to your home and measure the radon levels and provide you with a report of the results. They can also send the information to the Environmental Protection Agency.
The third option is to have a full radon gas test, followed by a complete radon mitigation and abatement system installation. By opting for this, you are reducing the health risks that radon poses to your family.
Prevent Radon Gas from Harming Your Family
If you are about the level of radon in your home, you should get it tested as soon as possible to determine the danger it poses. Consider getting radon abatement. Aurora and other cities can provide professional radon testing services to your home. Mitigating radon from the air in your house can give you peace of mind, knowing your family is protected from this health risk.