In this video, you will learn about farm feeders. Some complaints that people who run farms are is that it is hard to feed mass amount of animals. Large metal posts used to be the most efficient way. Now, they are finding that tires are a more efficient way to feed farm animals.
You can buy these, however, building your own can save you money. You can also customize it and make it so it works best for you and your staff. You can start by taking a piece of plywood. You are going to want to measure it to the best length that fits you. From there, you will cut out holes in the plywood and make it big enough for the tires. The number of animals you have to feed is going to want to have enough for all of them. Again, this might seem like a large investment at first. However, there are a lot of drawbacks to hiring someone to build these for you. If you are handy and can DIY this project, that can save you money. Keep watching this video for more information.