A lot of people dream of a beautifully landscaped yard filled with bushes, trees, and flowers. A large part of that perfectly manicured lawn is mulch. Not many people realize that there is an art and skill to a good mulch service. In fact, there are three tips that you need to know to have a perfectly mulched garden.
The first thing you need to know is that the mulch should never exceed two to three inches. Three inches should be the deepest your mulch gets. The second thing you need to know is that your mulch should never ever touch the base of your trees. Not only is a giant pile of mulch under a tree and eyesore, but it is very bad for your trees and shrubs. It attracts insects and encourages disease, and wood rot.
Finally, before you reapply any mulch to your garden, you should take the time to turn the mulch that was previously there. If mulch is there after a year, it will get pushed down on top of the dirt and form a barrier. The dirt won’t be able to get oxygen or water. If you don’t want to turn your mulch, remove the old mulch and replace it.