If you have granite countertops then you need to make sure they are sealed. This makes for easier cleanups and upholds the longevity of the granite. Follow along to see how to seal your granite kitchen countertop.
Why Seal
Granite is porous so when it isn’t sealed, spilled liquids and food particles can get absorbed by the stone. This leads to staining and makes it harder to clean the countertop.
How to Know
To figure out if your countertop is sealed, spray water onto it. If the water forms beads, that means your countertop is sealed. If it isn’t sealed, the stone will darken as it absorbs the water. Get a penetrating sealer solution to make sure your granite countertop is immune to messes.
How to Seal
Clean your countertop thoroughly with an everyday cleaning solution. Once it dries, lightly shake your sealer and apply an even coat. After 3-5 minutes, apply a second layer and let it set for half an hour. Then use a microfiber cloth to clean off any excess sealer. If there’s dried sealer remaining, apply more to the spot and wipe it off.
There you have it! Sealing your countertops is inexpensive and easy, and needs to be done if you want to avoid buying a new one in a few years.