On the Bronson Holbeck channel on YouTube, in his video called “Frequently Forgotten Details During A Home Remodel”, he discusses tips on remodeling his first investment property. He says he takes small, frequent trips to buy supplies at Lowes and Home Depot. He finds this makes it easier to finish products and save money. Smaller shopping trips means he spends less on items he does not need for the project he is working on. He found buying many supplies means losing items and ending up with too much that you do not need.
The second tip he suggested is to stay organized and have a concrete plan. Write down what you need, the project goal, and what you plan to accomplish. Third, always finish your project when you start it. Do not leave some of it until later. You may need waste removal services for large projects. He painted half the baseboard and left the rest until later and lost his motivation to finish. He says take a break and enjoy doing something relaxing. Fourth, small expenses add up, so be aware that buying extra supplies are hidden costs like light bulbs, feeding friends that help you remodel, plumbing, and tools.
When you plan to paint, invest in a sprayer because it is faster and easier to use. And last tip, do not buy home warranties on products as most times it is less expensive to hire a plumber or professional to fix something. Bigger projects may require hiring a waste removal services to help you remove the excess.