More and more people are going solar to increase their energy efficiency and protect the environment. As technology in the solar realm improves, more people have access to more effective solar installations. This video explains the basics of what solar power is and why it’s so great.
Solar panels are specialized cells that are installed on your roof. They absorb energy from the sun and convert it into electricity you can use for your home. Homeowners can lessen their reliance on city electricity and lower their energy bills. In addition, the home will have a smaller carbon footprint, which is better for the planet.
Another benefit is financial. You can actually be reimbursed by the government if you produce more energy than your home needs. When this happens, the electricity will go back into the power grid. The government will measure how much you gave back and give you special credits for being so energy efficient!
Before you get a solar installation on your roof, make sure you get the prerequisite permits in your area. If you are part of an HOA, you will also need to get it approved by them. Finally, you need to choose a high-quality contractor who knows solar installation, repairs, and maintenance.
For more information, check out the video above.