Gutters are an important part of a roof system. They move the rainwater off of the roof to a more suitable area. In this article, we are going to review the gutter installation process.
In the first part of gutter installation, you will have to measure. Take some time and measure along the roof, as well as, the gutters themselves so you know how they will fit.
Once you have finished measuring, make any adjustments that you need to on the size of the gutters.
The next part is to drill a couple of brackets into the roof so that you can attach your gutters to them. Once the brackets are in place, you will connect them to the gutter. You will then put endcaps on both sides so that the water is all pushed to the same place.
Finally, you will need to cut a hole in the gutters for the downspout. The downspout connects to the gutters and it is where all of the water will eventually go. It takes the water from the gutters to the ground level where it can dispose of it.
Overall, that is the gutter installation process. If you don’t feel comfortable doing this on your own, you should contact a professional to help you.