Welcome! Come and watch this video to find out what happens when you hire a heating oil delivery service. The entire process of heating oil delivery services is fully computerized. The system guides the delivery truck driver to the correct house and allows them to communicate with the office.
The truck driver has a computerized list of all the clients to select from, and once done, they hit the navigation button. The computer gives the details of the house and the location. They wait for the computer to give them the okay to proceed. The delivery is set to zero before pumping begins. There are two pipes at the house; one of them is the vent pipe that allows air to vent out as they fill the tank. It confirms that there is a tank at the other end.
A safety rag to contain any spillage while pumping is placed. The delivery pump is screwed to the house and pumps oil at one gallon per second. The delivery person adds an extra hand to the connection to secure it in case of leaks.
A computer alarm notifies when the tank is full by turning off the beeping. If the tank fills up before that, they disconnect the supply manually using a valve. Finally, the delivery point is slowly unscrewed from the house to deliberately remove any pockets of air or any spillages to the ground. The nozzle is stored, and two receipts are printed from the truck’s computer. A copy of the receipt remains at the client’s door.