This video will show you how to repair your ice machine yourself. Learning how to fix your ice machine with these DIY methods could save you money and allow you to avoid spending on professional repairs.
Inspection is the first step in an ice machine repair project. You need to know the problem you are facing in order to determine the correct solution.
While inspecting your ice machine, take a keen interest in the ice mold coating and water supply tube. Water contaminants are the main source of malfunctions due to mold build-up in ice machines.
The best way to prevent such contaminants from getting into your ice machine is by installing a new water filtration system. Repairing the water supply tube involves ensuring the water valve closes completely to avoid any leakage into the tube.
You may want to observe the other components of an ice machine, including the control module, harvesting arm, thermostat, and bail arm. You can test these components using a volt meter without uninstalling the refrigerator’s ice machine.
If these methods do not work, you may have to replace the machine altogether.