Over time, your roof will begin to show its age. It is quite an expensive fix as well as time-consuming. During a rainstorm in the middle of the night, you may be in need of an emergency roof repair. If you are not able to enlist the services of a roofing company in a timely fashion, there are steps you can take to limit the damage.
In this video, you will see what you can do for a temporary roof repair.
To start, you will want to clean the opening to prevent any tree limbs and branches from entering the roof. Then you will want to get a piece of tarp to place over the hole. It is extremely important that you are able to fasten the tarp underneath an undamaged shingle. This will prevent water from running down your tarp into the hole that it is supposed to be covering. As long as you fasten the piece of tarp correctly, you can actually go a couple of weeks with adequate protection as you wait for the roofing company to make a permanent fix.