There are few things as satisfying as a long, hot shower. On the flip side of that, it is very frustrating when you are the last one to use the shower in the morning and when you get your turn there is no hot water left! Few of us enjoy a cold shower first thing in the morning. Tankless water heaters can prevent that scenario from happening ever again.
Tankless water heaters will give you the hot water you want when you want it.
Most tankless water heaters will supply hot water a great rate. You will get the water at between two to five gallons each minute. You will no longer have to worry that you are the last one in the bathroom to find your family has used all the hot water. Everyone can shower or take a bath whenever they want without compromising hot water quality and quantity for everyone else in the home.
Tankless water heaters take up less space.
Everyone wants to have an ample supply of hot water but to get a lot of water from a conventional water heater, you have to have a very large heating boiler. That takes up a lot of space that can be used for other things. For some people who have a large amount of space, this may not be a big deal but a lot of people around the country can use that space for something else. Tankless water heaters can be mounted on a wall, they can be installed inside or outside.
Tankless water heaters are very energy efficient and are great for the environment.
If you are interested in the environment, this is the way to go for your water heating needs. At least 30% of your energy bills come from your water heater. An old, traditional water heater heats water continuously all day long. It does not matter if someone is using hot water or not, it just keeps heating when it is on. By contrast, a tankless water heater only heats water when it is needed.
The United States Department of Energy has reported that tankless water heaters are often between 24% and 34% more efficient than their traditional counterparts. This all depends on a household’s daily water usage and demand.This means that over the course of the time that you own the tankless water heater, the energy savings alone will pay for itself. Having one will lower your utility bill. Tankless water heaters use natural gas or propane to heat the water.
Tankless water heaters are also usually made from all recycled materials making them even more environmentally friendly.
Tankless water heaters are very reliable and they last a long time.
A traditional, electric water heater will last about eight to ten years. A traditional, gas water heater will last about six to eight years. By contrast a tankless water heater will last about 20 years. That is more than double the lifespan of the conventional water heater. Most companies that make and sell tankless water heaters offer warrantees that last for between 12 and 15 years.
Tankless water heaters and very clean and safe.
When you use a traditional water heater, the water sits in the tank for an extended period. This means that it may pick up rust and other dirt from the inside of the tank. Water that goes through a tankless water heater does not spend a lot of time in the unit so it does not pick up contaminants from the inside of a tank. The water that reaches your faucet will not be scalding due to the way the water heater operates.
Tankless water heaters do cost more to purchase but there are often rebates available. Many of the companies who manufacture and sell tankless water heaters offer rebates but there may be others available from the federal government and your state and/or local government as well, This is because of the evergy savings.
If you are looking to replace you conventional water heater and are looking at tankless water heaters, you may want to talk to your plumbing services companies in your area.