It is estimated that landscaping reduces the period your house is on the market by as much as six weeks. Therefore, if you are planning to sell your home, it’s normal to have expectations and to be edgy, especially when thinking about the potential buyer’s preferences and interests. You tend to get overwhelmed with countless questions regarding the sale period and your home’s standpoint. However, the right question should be, does landscaping offer a better chance to trigger a quick sale? Over the years, real estate experts have affirmed that by landscaping your back or front yard, the value of your home increases by 14%.
Landscaping will not only improve your home’s curb appeal but also create paradise-like outdoor living space for you and your family before it finds a new owner. Generally, you don’t have to spend much on landscaping Plano TX for as long as you know what you are doing. Not to say that it won’t cost you few dollars, there are simple decorative and gardening tips that will offer your house just the right amount of impression to make a sale.
Ideally, you ought to give your landscape project ample time before your house goes on sale. A month will be enough to finish up with the details, and the greenery to blossom. However, if you are planning a huge yard makeover, then consider taking more time to complete the final touches on your yard. The following ideas will give you a head start.
Trim the Lawn Edges
To start with, mow and edge your lawn to enhance the outside look. Edging your lawn is a simple idea with an impression of lower maintenance, which is also a good selling point. Make a point of pruning any dead branches and shrubs from your yard. While at that, it is also important to clean up fall off leaves and anything that look unpleasing in your eyes. Don’t aim for perfection.
Alternatively, if you are looking to create a distinct line between your lawn and the garden, opt for a retaining wall. This is effectively achieved with materials such as timber, steel, stone or brick.
Clean and Maintain Water Features
If you have a backyard water fountain, it’s necessary to remove any cumulated leaves and dirt. Check for any possible signs of algae and get rid of it. Usually, most home buyers check for bargaining points when shopping for a house. This means having unattended water points on your backyard can be an instant turnoff. Also, fix any plumbing issue like water blockages or leakages that pass through your garden. Although plumbing repairs can be quite expensive, it’s important not to overlook this feature.
Clean Up Dirty Surfaces
Pavements leading to your patio or garden is often trafficked with family and friends. As a result, these places get dirt and appear grungy, which can be hard to remove through simple cleaning. Get a pressure washer that will clean these grimy surfaces without much effort for a glistening new look.
Add Landscaping Features
Today, many homeowners who invest in their outdoor areas spend more hours there per week. With many using these outdoor spaces as an extension of their living to engage in activities such as gardening, relaxing or entertainment. Consider installing a deck or patio for a comfortable spot to hang out for the prospective home buyer.
Other landscaping options include fountains, outdoor kitchen, fire pits, and lighting. These options make a sound expression of a classy and habitable place. However, there is no guarantee that you’ll recoup your money after investing in these features, you just have to give a home buyer enough reason to favor your house over the others.
Most landscapers Plano TX believe that appearance should primarily be the focus in landscaping, but putting more functional details might just be what a buyer needs to make a decision. Lastly, in a landscape design, fencing is another asset to a buyer. In most cases, home buyers are more likely to consider living in a confined place either due to privacy concerns or restricting their little ones in a secure environment.