Restoration for beginners, a YouTube channel that normally deals with automotive issues, is here to help those of us that like to spend time in the garage. These poorly insulated rooms are infamous for poor temperature regulation: insufferably hot in the summer and freezing in the winter. Heating or cooling the garage throughout the seasons can get really expensive. Luckily, it’s an easy fix if you have a few spare hours.
In their video, “How to Insulate Your Garage Door and Save on Electricity Costs”, Restoration for Beginners measures the temperate in his garage at different times of the day using a Bluetooth temperature sensor and then uses Gila window film, Reflectiz, and a Cellofoam kit to insulate his garage doors. When all was done, Restoration for beginners found that his newly installed insulation made 40 degrees of difference! Having gone through the process, Restoration for Beginners recommends using only one type of insulation, which will help decrease costs even further.
Pleasant to watch and easy to understand, this garage door insulation video is a heartwarming DIY.